Here is what my college-aged daughter needed for her two weeks at home over Christmas:

We have here two bags to check, one carry on, and many instruments of hair torture. They intrigued me, so I had my daughter explain each one:

From the left, the first item is a ceramic hair straightener. The second is a small-curl curling iron, not to be confused with the third item, which is a large-curl curling iron. And the last is a hair dryer with no handle (very curious for me, all-the-rage for my daughter).
But maybe there's something to her list of necessities. I mean, here I am, barely cognizant of the ins and outs of a basic hair dryer (although I do brush my hair daily, mind you):
And here she is, after all her careful coiffing:

Maybe it was worth the $60 in checked luggage charges and all the expensive salon equipment.
I'll let you be the judge.