April 12, 2010


For those of my blog fans which may not know the particulars of my family life, it is a bit schizophrenic. We live in Omaha, Nebraska, where Hubby has a great job which subsidizes our farm and supports more people than he would like to know about. (We invoke the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy on that one.) But our farm is located in Southwestern Iowa, exactly 97 miles from our Omaha door. So, our farming is done largely on the weekends and in the summer. The upshot of this rubric is that we tend to pack a lot of farm work into just two days each week.

Sometimes we work so hard for the entire weekend, then sit for an hour to behold our handiwork, then Hubby comments that the place looks really nice for the noble landowners for whom we toil and who will show up during the week to enjoy the place.

But this past weekend was a bit more relaxed than usual.

Here's what was planned (it's spring and there's a lot that needs to be done):

- till the garden
- fix the holes in the netting around the garden
- plant the spring seeds (about 20 items!)
- fix the lawnmower
- fix the tractor
- fix the other tractor
- count the aronia berries
- mulch the aronia berries
- mow the 25-acre field
- plant the new roses
- water new grass seed areas
- gather up hoses from fields

Here's what we did on Saturday:

- planted new white pine and weeping cherry trees (which Liz got a great deal on at the local hardware store)

- watched Maya with her newly caught fish (She's a veritable fish-whisperer!)

- were visited by our neighbor, Marlin, who, when taking his leave of a friend of Maya's said, "Well, Dear, I'm glad you got to see me!"
- watched the kids go boating and swimming in the pond

- went into town to get a couple of things and look at the baby ducks at the farm store
- cooked hamburgers over a campfire
- listened to "A Prairie Home Companion" on the radio
- put up solar panels on Hubby's new barn -- woot woot! (Eventually) free energy!

- tinkered in the barn for a few hours
- watched the solar lights come on in the evening while sipping some wine

So, I guess life is what happens in spite of one's planning.

But, I'll have you know, somehow, everything on that planning list got done on Sunday.

Needless to say, Hubby and I were both absolutely fried on Sunday night, but it was worth it!


  1. Can't wait to sit out with you on the veranda again. Do you need me to weed it again?

  2. LOL! Yes! I was just thinking of that last weekend. The weeds are just making their appearance and I half-heartedly pulled a couple of them, but I just had so many other pressing chores that I knew I wouldn't get to them. Then I thought, "Ah, Jayne is coming! She'll be thrilled to do it!" :)
