- I have tried for many years to live by the following quotation: "To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring." (George Santayana) Sounds good, doesn't it? We love that fall foliage in New England, don't we? It gives us a reason to tolerate winters in Nebraska, right? But, as I get older, I am more interested in what is true than what should be true. I check my feelings and...
Witness the sprouting of lettuce, spinach, peas, turnips, and mustard greens in the garden.
There are good reasons why we love spring so much -- the re-birth, without fail, of the world every year; the warm rains that bring life to the ground; the literal birth of the farm animals as if on a schedule; the voluptuousness of warmth, seedlings, and life all around us. No wonder there is a quotation that reprimands us for being so in love with spring! The other seasons probably got together and worked on it since they were so far behind in the race for human predilection.
I swear to keep working on discovering the beauty in each season, but I refuse to try to temper the fact that spring has it goin' on, by far, over all the other seasons!
Happy SPRING, everyone!
ReplyDeleteWe Need More Tomatoes!!!
ReplyDeletealways love learning new words: "predilection," who'd a thunk it? really sound blog, maman; i'm happy for you that spring is really giving you the jollies. love you lots and see you in 3 weeks! xoxo
ReplyDeleteSring is my favourite time of the year, too! All the green things growing, all the barn building, all the tractoring around that I can do... And I LOVE seeing my honey so happy!