I love my family. Don't get me wrong. But I didn't pick them. I do the best I can by them, but I have chosen the few friends that I have. One such friend swooped in the other day and rescued me from the morass of family drama and laughed with me, took me to work out (always needed after the holidays) and then treated me to a fine lunch. It was the perfect pick-me-up at the most needed time.
As Henry B. Adams said, One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible.
In my case, I'm up to the "many" of Adams' friends. One of my two friends is in England, so she's not as much help as the local one during the holidays. But I feel fortunate to have them both.
This blog entry goes out to my friend, Kim. (Don't be jealous, Jayne...I'll do one for you soon!)

Thanks for understanding me. Thanks for spending some time with me. Thanks for treating me like an important person in your life.
But most of all, thanks for not being related to me.
None taken Lizzie. Love you too xx