"Aim for the Stars" is the name of the Lego Robotics camp at the local university that Maya (aged 9, our fourth daughter) was excited to attend when she got the paperwork at school last May. Sunday night, before the start of the week-long camp, she was filled with dread at the prospect of actually attending it.

I hate this part of parenthood.
Do you make her go? Do you let her off the hook because she's scared? (And forfeit the non-refundable $160-payment you've made.)
It's not like I haven't had experience at this. You would think that I should be pretty well equipped to handle this stuff.
Let us review...
I spent almost a year with my eldest (now 21) when she was three years old and dying to be a ballerina, deciding whether to make her go to dance lessons. I did make her go (well, half of the time). Twenty years later, a quite accomplished ballerina, in a heartfelt moment, summing up all of her life to that point, she thanked me for making her go to dance class early on and couldn't even really imagine not having danced all her life.
I let my second daughter skip out of soccer. Not only did she not take to it, but also the other parents had the worst potty mouths! I couldn't believe my ears at most of the games. Anyway, this one ended up a ballerina, too. And a beautiful one she was.
Next we have our third daughter. She doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do. If you can make her do anything, I tip my hat to you. I've known her since she was born, and I defy anyone to cajole, bribe, threaten, or blackmail her to do anything. So, in a sense, she was easy. I don't make her do anything. It seems to work for all of us.
Then there's Maya. She's the baby. She still needs to explore things, try things, find what she likes. Hence, the camp. It promised to wed playing with toys and programming the computer. Here she is coming out on the first day:
I wished I had been the parent of the boy in front of her. (Not really.)
She hated it. It was boring. It was hard. No one helped her. There were no potential friends. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. (What movie was that from?)
So, Monday night, I called the director of the program and told her Maya's findings at the robotics camp. The director assured me that she would contact Maya's teacher and get her some extra attention and even move her to another subject, more to her liking, after trying a second day at the camp.
Ok, Maya, here's the plan. You go one more day and see how it goes.
Kicking and screaming, she goes.
I cross my fingers on Tuesday when I go to pick her up.
Same deal.
She hates it. She is bored.
So, daunted by the thought of half an hour in the car on Wednesday morning with a sobbing child, I relented and told her she didn't have to go anymore.
What stuck in my craw was that she had left a rather nice lunchbox on Tuesday. Since I was in the area on Thursday, I stopped in to pick it up. I ran into her teacher.
"Oh, is Maya alright? Is she sick?"
No, she's throwing fits so I didn't make her come.
"We miss her! She had a bit of a frustrating day on Monday, but, by Tuesday, she was helping the other girls and showed a predisposition for programming."
What a stinker. I had no idea of any of this.
The gig was up.
I made her attend Friday, the last day of the camp, and she had a really good time. Here she is with Dad, both wearing their badges.
Thank goodness she's the last one. I'm really tired of figuring this stuff out.
I recall a certain Maddie K being bribed with a guinea pig to do Russian lessons not a couple of weeks since...... How is Kitty anyway?