Two months ago, Luke Gran from the
Practical Farmers of Iowa contacted me as he was making up his annual field day schedule for the state of Iowa. He thought it would be nice if I had some folks over to our farm and talked about "going organic". No sweat, I thought. There would be a $500 stipend for half a day of showing off our farm and a $200 food allowance for putting on a lunch.
Easy money.
There's no such thing as a free lunch. (Why do we have to learn this lesson over and over? Maybe it's just me.)
Here's how things progressed:
We buy some local chicken at the Clarinda Fareway for the field day.
We buy paper plates, paper cups, and drink containers.
I order the grassroots movie "Fresh" to show.
I create the menu.
I plan the talks.
I make the schedule for the day.
I collect materials that may be of interest to farmers "going organic".
I order the natural, grass-fed beef patties for hamburgers.
Great. No problem. The Practical Farmers of Iowa will reimburse all these expenses.
I create an ad on Facebook to invite people to the event. The Practical Farmers place ads in various publications.
How many people will turn up? No idea. No problem. We'll wing it.
I put together a packet of information for people to take with them for reference. As I'm copying, the ink cartridge goes dry. I run to the store for a new one.
This is getting stressful.
As the day draws nearer, I try to locate tables. A neighbor suggests I call the local community center for them. I call and I call and I call. It seems Mike isn't always at the phone. I write a letter and Mike calls me...three days before the event. He says he has to check with the mayor and get back to me.
Are you kidding? The mayor has to "Ok" the use of the tables?
Mr. Mayor never does let me know, one way or the other, about the tables. Mike and I are both stymied. I even find the mayor's cell number and leave him a message. No response.
He won't get my vote the next time around.
Fortunately, the neighbors helped me cobble together enough chairs and tables for everyone who attended.
They've saved my butt more than once! God bless 'em.
The day before the event, I buy all the fresh ingredients we need. With help from Grandma Jan, we make salads and help Dec prepare her 15-minute talk. It takes about four hours.
Dec was supposed to either have her talk done so that she could weed today or pull it out of her butt at the appointed time so that she could weed today. Ugh!
I mow the aronia berries so that Hubby won't be embarrassed when he shows them off on the tour. I mow the expanse of field for the kids to play on. I turn to mow the heart of the compound so that it looks nice for all the visitors.
The mower seems to be sluggish. I get off to see what the problem is and find the back wheel completely shredded.
Are you kidding me?
The day arrives.
Everything is ready.
The skies open up at 5am and fire and brimstone (and two more inches of rain) descend on our lovely little patch of heaven.
Setting up the tables outside, I suddenly hear screams coming from the house. I rush inside to find the roasting rosemary chicken on fire in the oven.
Knights, new plan!
We moved the chicken to the grill with the hamburgers, the rain abated and the sun shone for the rest of the day. We had a nice turnout of about 45 people. Lunch was tasty. The talks went well.
I didn't get to a tenth of what I wanted to say!
While winding down watching "Fresh", I started to feel a little queasy in the hot, airless cabin. I excused myself to the bathroom and proceeded to toss my cookies.
"What cookies?" Hubby asks, apparently looking for dessert.
Gotta love that Russian of mine!
We're four days out and I think I've just about recovered.

Reviews of the day were pretty good, even though the garden wasn't weeded.
But, we offered Grandma a deal. If she gives us $500 next summer when she comes to visit, we'll agree to forego the field day! Heck, we may even forego it for free.